Category Archives: Handicraft

Music, friends and crochet

New clothes, new creations

All made by my mommy!!

Super crochet models

New dress and high heels

Mommy made me a new dress! So off I went to pose! 🙂

Playground and patchwork fair

Birthday presents: my painting and my book

Here are my two incredible birthday presents: the cross-stitch painting with the two mermaids (me & mommy!) and my very own printed book (covering my first year of life).
Note: if you’d like to have a copy of the book, you can download it here or even have it printed in paperback and sent to you [from]!!

Mommymommymommy! I feel a little better

Yesterday I started again word-wording… after such a long period of silence…
I guess I start feeling a little better 🙂
And did you see the two beautiful blankets mommy did for me?!
One is made of soft cotton, with super cross-stitch decorations, the other made of colourful woolen squares.
So comfy sleeping under them, especially when outside is snowing! 😮

Butterfly X

One more beauty, to complete my bed decorations 🙂 Thank you mom!

Little mermaid and sea horse

In less than a week mommy did one more – gorgeous! – piece of cross-stitching art. All these will become the special decorations for my bed 🙂 I can’t wait to be born to start sleeping in it!