Category Archives: Website

Birthday presents: my painting and my book

Here are my two incredible birthday presents: the cross-stitch painting with the two mermaids (me & mommy!) and my very own printed book (covering my first year of life).
Note: if you’d like to have a copy of the book, you can download it here or even have it printed in paperback and sent to you [from]!!

New theme

At the end of March, Mommy made a wonderful decoration for my blanket, with four cute bears and bees and flowers and hearts… It’s just too beautiful! Then daddy transferred it to the computer and now I have a new theme, with the cloth as background and my little bears on top…

Lucky Happy Girl Alila

It begins here


Here’s my very own website, which will follow my wonderful journey into… Life, Water and Freedom. Do you want to join me along the road and share some moments and feelings with me?

As my dad says, quoting someone much much older than him,

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

So, here are my first steps… which for now are just small kicks inside my mom’s belly 🙂